You can't let not knowing what you're doing get in the way of you doing it. Look at our president

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Saturday night at home.

It's Saturday night.10:00 p.m.
Sitting at home, relaxing, catching up on Tivo backlog, listening to some hits of the 80's.
Not so very long ago (or maybe it was) I'd just be starting my evening now. I look back on those days with a certain fondness, and not a little surprise. How was I able to stay up so late and have so much fun? I made some very good friends, though.
It seems like anymore, my only late nights involve computer games, tattoo shops, or just insomnia. Mariagge, getting older? Either of these could have conspired to change things. Or, just happy being where I am. Who knows? It's a little deep to consider while catching up on 'Smallville' reruns.
Have a good night, anyone who reads this.


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