You can't let not knowing what you're doing get in the way of you doing it. Look at our president

Monday, May 16, 2005

In a perfect world...

I have heard it said that if you are crazy, you probably aren't aware of it..
So, if you don't know that you're an absoulte dolt, you just might be.
I am on the street about to make a right hand turn. there is a car to my left in the left turn position. As I prepare to go, this car turns to the right, right in front of me! So, restraining at least 2 of my fingers, I give a little toot on the horn, just to say, "hey, look out, I'm over here." What does the car do? they stop in the road! I've pulled out and at first this car is at a complete stop. Then it proceeds to drive down the center of a 2 lane road. they finally move to the right when they notice a third car coming up behind them, so I move to get in behind this new car so I can go about my evening. Of course the other car swerves over and cuts me off. so I keep a respectable distance, in regards to their almost constant brake lights, and we come to the major intersction where I end up behind the car. I'm feeling like playing now, so I take my camera phone and snap a quick picture of the back of their car, The light is all wrong, you probably can't even tell what color the car is, but I see a girl lean out of the driver's door yelling stuff backj at me. My windows are up, and the music is loud, so, of course I cant hear a damn thing. I cup my hand over my ear as if to say, "I'm sorry, I can't hear you, but I am incredibly interested in what you are saying." So, she continues yelling.
The light finally turns green, and we turn, but she pulls into the gas station, I'm sure hoping I follow. No go, I have more important things to do than to get in a yelling match with an idiot at a Chevron Station.
I see stupid stuff on the road daily. Do people not know they are being idiots, or do they not care?


Blogger Ali said...

making friends all over, I see ;)

3:53 AM


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