It's the most.....................................time of the year

Yes, it's Christmas time. And we all know what that means. I was asked to reprise my role as Santa Claus at the library at which I used to work. I think it is my 3rd or 4th year.
So, I did it. I love those ladies there, and it's a bit of a big deal for them, and truth be told, I love doing it! Something about a stifling hot red suit and crying kids, and it just makes me feel like a jolly old elf.
Ok, all of them didn't scream. A surprising number of kids seemed to enjoy it. Like I made their nights or something. One girl had her little list, and we sat there reading it. There were people still in line, but damn it, if it was important enough for her to write out her list, then it was important enough for me to treat it seriously. I swear. some of those kids touched me. (emotionally. please, I'm not THAT kind of Santa)
There may be a picture or two posted soon.
keep watching.

1:11 PM
must, must, must get pictures
4:12 AM
ahhhh!!!!!! Those are great!!!!!!
3:06 AM
At the risk of sound repetitious...
8:54 PM
I always knew you were a big softie.
10:35 PM
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