You can't let not knowing what you're doing get in the way of you doing it. Look at our president

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Blog dump

- Catching up on some Tivo goodies, and watching a few episodes of one of my new favorite shows, 'Numbers', and who do I see but BILL NYE THE FREAKIN SCIENCE GUY!!
Neat! They also discussed him also on a recent episode of 'NCIS'.
I wonder, is he on his way back? If so, YAY! I love that he taught kids science and made it entertaining, but sisn;t talk down to kids. Made me remember how much I loved Mr. Wizard.
Kids today need that. Ignore what Diddy and his ilk try to teach you. Pay attention to people trying to expand your mind and make you better. Come on kids, pick up a DVD of Schoolhouse Rock! Hell, you could even learn from old episodes of G.I. Joe! (and knowing is half the battle!)
- In the in-between times of the holidays, and wondering where all the Christmas spirit has gone. Driving home from work, I see that everyone is back to their old driving habits. Is it THAT big a deal to use your turn signals, people? Ok, never mind, I can't expect that much from people in general.
-There is a number 3. But only because it's a magic number. (see above)
- Wildfires are raging across the North Texas area. In the past week alone, I can count 5 fires within 5 miles of where I live. My dad even called me from out of state to check if I was ok.
Dry grass and cigarettes thrown from car windows, it's not a recipe for fun.
- I'm done. Finito. Enjoy your drive home and don't forget to tip your waitresses.


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