You can't let not knowing what you're doing get in the way of you doing it. Look at our president

Monday, February 13, 2006

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone

No one in particular, just happens to be the song i am listening to. (by Bill Withers)

My birthday continues coming at me, and here I stand, deer in the headlights. It's not a big deal, not double numbers or even one of the decades. And, as anyone who knows me can attest to, I am in virtually no danger of growing up, no matter how old i get. I'm sitting here in a Superman t-shirt from Zeus Comics, and playing computer games. Other than being lucky a woman ever looked twice at me, I think I'm ok. ;-) I even looked at my amazon list, and there's some cool stuff. (I buy for myself from that list)

Had a GREAT lunch at a place in Irving I don't get to nearly enough, Dunes Grill. If you're ever in Irving, and crave Mediterranean food, check it out.

I am considering starting exercising from time to time during my lunch hour. One option is to go to the 'open swim' at the Senior Center. I'm not sure they're ready for all of my tattoos, but hey, don't hate the playa, hate the game. or am I too white to say that? Our intern at work told me I wan't cool enough to say 'That's how I roll' but what does he know?


Blogger Ali said...

sometimes being so tragically unhip that you use those phrases makes them that much funnier. I use "word" all the time, and "whatever, yo," whereas Nathan says, "That's how I roll".

So there

And what a great of the all time faves in my book

And hot damn, you posted!

6:14 AM

Blogger James said...

yes, a favorite song of mine, as well.

I'm a fan of the phrase "what up, G?".

then again, I'm a 36 yr old man who clooects toys and comic books. I'm afraid me and 'cool' parted ways long ago.

9:28 PM


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