You can't let not knowing what you're doing get in the way of you doing it. Look at our president

Saturday, February 25, 2006


This currently works for a few reasons, namely, in keeping with my song title trend, it's a song from the 80's by The Firm, also, when I logged out of WoW, I happened to be temporarily radioactive.
- CAPE Plans get closer and better! Richard posted some great info about the upcoming event. I'm looking forward to it, even though I know it'll be a lot of hard work. I know that whatever I do won't be a 100th of the time and energy others have put into the even, and I'm just glad to help.
- Speaking of WoW, I am now lvl 33. Hard work and lots of fun. If anyone happens to be similarly addicted, I go by the name Reo on the Moonrunner server.
- I hurt my back the other day. Hurts bad. How, you ask? Well, I'll tell ya. I sneezed. :| Yes, I sneezed really hard and somehow jacked up my back. How old does this make me feel? I'm only 36, for god's sakes. Really. Then again, I dislocated my knee in high school while playing tug-of-war, so if it seems an innocent enough activity, odds are, I'll find a way to mangle myself.
- belated birthday party with the family (in-laws) tomorrow. Yay. I may be old, but I still love a good birthday party. especially when I get stuff. Also, once I get my presents, I can clear my Amazon wishlist a little. or buy some things off of it. Have yet to hear from my dad. Not so much as a 'Happy birthday' in the past week since my actual birthday. weird. I better call him. Then off to the store for chili fixins for tomorrow. That's how I roll, after all.


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