You can't let not knowing what you're doing get in the way of you doing it. Look at our president

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Jesse Jackson visits with the Schiavos

Jesse Jackson interrupted his... whatever his job is, to meet with the parents of brain-dead Terri schiavo. There to 'ease the family's pain' he wasted no time exhorting the government to step in. Regardless of the fact that there seems to be little to nothing they can legally do.

on a lighter note, my friend Ali's Blog has something really funny!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


I'm sitting here, surfing randomly and I land on my Yahoo page. There, big as life is this headline:
So, not only can they not leave these poor people alone, these Republicans who say they are for marriage want to take her away from her husband? Does Governor Bush want a pet? Get a goddamn dog! Utterly ridiculous. Completely insane.

And check out this picture. These people make me laugh so hard.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

On a lighter note

Honda CRV is top of the list in vehicles maintaining their original retail value.
I know I like mine.
Check it out on MSN

By popular demand...

Ok, so Terri Schiavo is at the center of the news, and people are stunned that I have yet to weigh in with my opinion regarding everything going on.
Well, first off, you can't swing a vegetable around anymore without someone having an opinion on everything going on there. I don't know that my 2 cents would be needed in the din of other people.
But, I guess I'm almost expected to say something. Ok.
I am behind her husband 100%. He is the one married to her, he would know best what she wanted. There are things you tell the person you love that you could never tell your parents. I think this may be one of them. And parents would be expected to fight their daughter dying even more vehemntly than normal. After all, no parent expects to outlive their children.
They hold out hope that their daughter could recover from PVS (Persistent Vegetative State) and be returned to them. But that, in all probability, gets further away every day.
Also, once they became married, her husband became the final arbiter, really. No matter what the parents feel, it's the husband's decision. Whether she really wanted to be removed from the machines or no, her husband can make that decision. And, if there is no chance of recovery (as the court ordered doctors say) then it's only fair for him to make that decision. Think about it. Would it be easier for him to walk away? The paper reported that there is talk he turned down a million dollars to walk away and leave her to her parents. But he's doing what he thinks is right and what she wanted.
I find it morally reprehensible that the politcians have waded into this. Thinking it will solidify their relationship with evangelicals, they are interefereing not only in one caouple's/family's business, they are stepping on the legal results of the state court. The Republicans campained on a platform of protecting states rights from federal government interference, and yet, here we are. Congress moved faster on this than anything they have ever done on balancing the budget or anything to REALLY benefit us as a country. And don't get me started on how this is a whole 'Right to life' issue now bringing the anti-abortionists into this.
Not to mention, President Bush comes out saying ''It Is Wisest to Always Err on the Side of Life'.
This from the former leader of our great state of Texas, with arguably the highest rate of death penalty cases in the union.
Anyway, I'm tired and need to finish watching NCIS.
Goodl Luck Michael Schiavo. I know you need it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Oh man. Guys should love this!

A friend sent me a link for a site where you can watch an industrial shredder tear though all sorts of things. Railroad ties, washing machine, even a refrigerator!
It's so restful sitting here watching things be broken down to their components.
Check it out here!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Mel Gibson - Not an Oscar fan?

I'm not a big fan of the Oscars (or Mel) but I found this funny
(From IMDB)
Mel Gibson has denounced the Oscar ceremonies as "a celebration of mediocrity" and accused academy members of treating his The Passion of the Christ as a political football. "My film is not right-wing or political, but they made it so," he told an interviewer on the Catholic cable channel EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network). Gibson, who won an Oscar for his direction of Braveheart in 1995, remarked: "The whole notion of these awards ceremonies is ludicrous. ... It's really a marketing exercise." He said he decided not to promote the film for Oscar consideration because he realized that doing so would be futile. "I knew exactly what was going to happen. I didn't try to market the film. People are spending 15 or 20 million dollars to market their films. That's a lot of money for a little gold statue."

Oh yeah, he also said that he didn't like the grapes. Said they were sour or something.

Come on. The man made more money than Mr. Burns from that movie. He wanted to buy an island. AN ISLAND!! And he gets his kilt in a twist by a little gold statue? Damn.

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